Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions

As the new year begins, the Office of Sustainability encourages you to consider a sustainable New Year’s Resolution for 2018! Check out our previous blog post if you’re in need of some ideas! We also found some students on campus that have their own eco-friendly resolutions.

  • Our very own intern, Elizabeth, has resolved to stop using plastic straws for the new year. Instead, she carries stainless steel, reusable straws with her!
  • Another one of our interns, Ryan, has decided to stop using plastic bags. Instead, he brings his own reusable bags to the grocery store!
  • Our compost intern, Jake, aims to educate 200 people on sustainability and environmental practices in 2018!
  • Ashlie, a zero-waste advocate and intern, has given up bottled shampoo for 2018. Instead, she will be using Shampoo Bars from LUSH, which are packaging-free and last for over 80 washes!

Let us know if you’ve committed to a sustainable resolution, no matter how small! We will keep you updated on how well our interns stick to their resolutions!

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